Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Standing Up For Myself

I consider myself a bit of a pushover, I admit. I like making people happy and I like making people like me. It makes me feel better, even if part of me feels like shit for letting them bend me over backwards without so much as a warm-up spank.

And I'm getting too damn old to be such a fucking contortionist. So I said fuck that, and I'm trying to stop it. Working with the police in my sexual assault volunteering, I'm not letting them give us shit. I'm standing up for the survivor and making sure she doesn't feel like a criminal, when in fact they're supposed to be working FOR us and doing what WE want. I did that last Sunday night, told the cops how long they could stay and chat, and that no, they would not be seeing her after her forensic exam, but the next afternoon after she could finally get some sleep. They didn't like me, but they did what I asked and that's what matters.

I've also started to stand up a bit more to the boss of the store I work at. I'm officially refusing to say "my boss". YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME. Exactly.

And please note I'm not talking about being a rude bitch here - I'm talking about not letting people be disrespectful because they think they can get away with it with me since they have in the past. Mrs. Potato Head wouldn't stand for it, so neither will I.


nobe said...
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